Gili Meno Turtle Sanctuary was initiated to help preserve the turtle wildlife on the island. Turtle breeding is a unique process and unlike any other, yet with this comes many newborn deaths. The sanctuary’s focus is to protect the turtles by allowing them to grow in a sheltered area.

Once the turtles are fully grown, they are released into the water on their own (which only happens every few months). To be a part of the release a small fee is required which is donated back to the turtle sanctuary.

The sanctuary is a tiny patch of beach and relies on donations to keep it alive. Don’t be confused by the name; it is a private initiative and just a small area off the beach. Several shallow pools stand with turtles divided according to their age. The turtle sanctuary can easily be missed, with a sign under corrugated iron pointing you in the right direction. However, even though it is a small initiative, it makes a big difference in the turtle population. Your support and donations keep the sanctuary alive and help feed the growing turtles so that they can then be released into the wild. During your stay on Gili Meno, take a wander down and visit the Gili Meno Turtle Sanctuary to learn about these beautiful creatures.